Saturday, August 22, 2009

revolution 9. (turn me on dead man)

The Ghost In You. casper and slimer may be the most popular, funniest ghosts kids have known. creating pleasant chilling fun to the child's imaginations. in the higher level, everybody may have heard of "the white lady". the specter sightings appearing as a lady in flowing white gown or robe. in everyplace, they have their own versions and tales about this white lady thing. versions of sightings vary. they are commonly called as ghost. ghosts as it seems, the apparitions would momentarily send you aghast.

then there's that big house in 1600 pennsylvania avenue telling a legend of occasional presidential appearances, documented apparitions of a great president look-alike has made that portion of the white house a dropby-spot-it-if-you-can tour itinerary. the lincoln room. the regal queen wilhelmina of the netherlands during her state visit at the white house was billeted to this stately guestroom and saw a ghostly familiar figure sitting beside the coffee table trying to put on its boots. the queen fainted.

elsewhere, across the atlantic, london has its 'ghost walk' for tourists. rain or shine. the two hour tour in the medieval sector of greater london guarantees to 'spot your ghost'. otherwise organizers will tell you you're not just observant enough or doesn't have a sense of specter at all.

here in cebu city, i can point to you two haunted houses that i know of who are reputed to be inhabited by ghosts. one in paseo aurora located in an upscale neighborhood, the second, in midtown sikatuna street just across a public school. and... ahem... just by standing outside its gates facing the house, you can feel 'the feel'.

so many stories have been told about ghosts. tales, legends, folklores and all that jazz. characteristics vary, ghosts becoming violent, friendly ghosts, playful ghosts, the scaring ghosts, bad spirits and some stories about your friends and relatives appearing as ghosts after death. on the contrary, my favorite book, the ecclesiastes says, " for the living know that they will die, but the dead knows nothing. they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten." dead remains dead, demons promotes contradiction to this verse and plays as your dead granny's ghost blah blah blah.

jesus christ, after his resurrection was erroneously identified by his followers as a ghost, but he corrected them by offering to show them the wounds in his hands and for them to feel his flesh telling them that spirits has no flesh and bones in which in him he has.

saul, israel's first king, in his desperate and panicked state, summoned for a medium to contact the dead prophet samuel. by way thru the medium, "the ghost samuel" talked to saul, in great and impressive detail ceded advises on what ways to do to save his failing kingdom. jean dixon, in her lifetime was regarded as a seer, she can predict the future, so they say, a clairvoyant, who can talk to the dead, so they say. even the police seeked her help in locating missing murder victims through the aid of ghosts. michel de nostradame, a monk, once confided to a friend that he can tell coming events through a spirit talking to him. the monk became popularly known as nostradamus.

the point of the argument will be... are these spirit beings, termed as ghosts, spirits of the dead? science is silent on this. unless obi-wan kenobi intercedes and explains about the hologram effects.

moses, during their journey to the promised land was visited many times outside his tent by angels giving instructions on what to do next. lot and two of his daughters was spirited out of the city away from harm escorted by two angels. an angel appeared to joseph and mary to foretell the birth of a child. abraham, aged 99 and sarah 90 experienced the same and they begot isaac. moses, was helped by angels to win the war during their battle against the amalekites. and one thing he has to do was to raise both his arms and the day would stand still during fierce battle on the israelite's favor.

what does an angel and a demon have in common? they can appear and communicate to humans. what else? demons can mimic humans and do some dirty tricks. demons can manifest as anything. mislead you to falsehoods like worshipping idols, pretend as mediums or false samuels. appear as monsters. dwarves. white ladies. aliens in flying saucers. and lastly, and most commonly, they pretend as a dead person's ghost. purposely, they are here to mislead. demons know God, and they tremble. james, one of the great dozen, wrote that in his book 2:19.

the devil is the father of lies. angels on the other hand are straightforward. they appear and introduce themselves as angels. they show signs and acts of truth.

demons manifests as ghosts. anybody who experiences of seeing a dead person's ghost is abstract. impossible. your spine tingling fear, the goosebumps, the errie feeling you experience, is the ghost in you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the long and winding road

The Mighty Six Hundred Thousand. moses, holding a wooden rod in his hand, was eighty years old and his brother eighty three when they faced the most powerful man of their era, his erstwhile adopted sibling, king ramses II.

sibling rivalry, for so many years, has bitterly lingered on between this two gentlemen, until this day they met again. they are now face to face as antagonists. both see each other as representing one big entity. egypt, at that time was the superpower and is being represented by ramses. moses, at that moment, represents an instruction.

moses, with his elder brother aaron, the future aide-de-camp, was pointing out stressfully to the pharaoh of their proposal to invite the israelites from out of egypt to some reunion party across the sinai peninsula. what followed then was exhanges of sharp scurrilous words, loudly transparent across the king's court. magics and tricks from both sides were shown off.

and so the story goes...

archeological evidence through the years had shown the path of moses' exodus. finding this appalling discovery, science has no absolute explanation or logical reason as to why would the twelve tribes of israel under moses' command followed through a path so ambiguous and remote. able bodied men of ages twenty years and above numbered six hundred three thousand five hundred and fifty, excluding women children and men above fifty, the multitude trekked the wilderness for forty years. economically, socially, militarily and geographically speaking, this travel is difficult if not impossible and yet it happened.

as i made a point in my august 8 write-up, that science and religion don't collide. they become parallel. what is written in the book, science tries to elucidate. sometimes science fails until new physical evidence surfaces.

the long exodus has encountered so many obstacles. discontents among the populace, mistrust to their leaders, costly battles with other tribes and kingdoms. did moses mistakenly took the wrong turn to the promised land? that it took them four decades to travel to have reached it?

in the good ol'e book of Numbers, the fourth part of moses' memoirs, the reason for the greatest detour in history is defined. "so Jehovah's anger blazed against israel and He made them wander about in the wilderness forty years until all the generation that was doing evil in the eyes of Jehovah came to their end."

coming topic>> a widely read magazine in one of their articles stated that everyday, for every 100 people you meet on the streets, two are ghosts. how do you spot a ghost in a mall or in the park?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

nowhere man

Speaking My Mind Out. Today, the 8th of august, exactly a year ago this month, i have created this personal blog to speak my mind out for everybody to read. but i have intentionally left this idle for one full year for the reason i only will keep. it has been my desire to express what i feel or think thru any medium available. i find this a perfect spot., being thankful that i have existed in this era of free expression safely away from the time of alexander sholzenytzin, boris pasternak and even jose rizal.

as most of the topics i will be "expressing", these are not political or revolutionary in nature. some may not agree of its contents as some readers may require me to show evidences to prove what i will be talking about. as you may see in my profile, are some very interesting books that i have dwelt on from way back my early adolescent age. books that have amazed me just like any other kid today as being fascinated by harry potter and frodo, the hobbit. in these titles, i came to have opened my mind on what's going on around us. partially or fully, these books created in me the awareness of the mysteries that had scientist baffled for ages.

mr. von danicken in the later years of his life has earned the respect from some of his bitterest critics after most recent discoveries in science has proved some of his theories right. galileo, branded as heretic by the church of his era, was persecuted. in his precisely correct scientific views, religion banged head on. sometimes science and religion collides. sometimes.

mostly, they go in unison. man's perception to religion and science make it complicated. in reality they go closely together well.

as from my personal standpoint, the majority is not always right... was the majority right when they choose to release from prison barabas over the man named jesus? noah's townsfolks' jeers and insults seemed justified when they found out that noah was building a large boat in the mountains far off from the shore. erwin rommel earned the ire of his colleagues when he insisted that the invasion would take place far south of france. robert bauval, our contemporary, is having a difficult time. i know, i believe. mr. bauval is right and the majority is wrong.

again, religion and science going parallel will be the main ingredients of my later discussions. remember einstein's "...the shortest distance between two points is a curved line..."

you may doubt, as you please, my valid authority talking about some far out, some way out of line topics on my person. you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law. you don't even have to be a police officer to arrest an offending person. or a fireman to put out a fire. can you point out any one of jesus's 12 apostles who holds a college diploma? or prince charles, before he becomes king, leading a hand to hand battle? sometimes, the wrong person comes in in the right time.

i have found out in the recent years some anwers that science tried to solve some disturbing events recorded in your history books on why, how and when these happened. and why should it happen. again religion, as you may read on later, seems to collide with science. and again, i shall say, religion and science goes together well like the left and right wheels of a car. both never contradicts.

why would moses lead the more than 600,000 israelites that came out of egypt to a long route around the sinai peninsula that would take them forty years to travel by foot? what took elijah the prophet from the grounds he was walking on? how did the uss eldridge disappear and reappear again a hundred miles away in just within seconds? is it true that there were time travelers from the future stranded to some years back that became well respected in the eras they were stranded on? and became inventors?

from way beyond, these questions popped up. from way beyond they will be explained.

i have named this blogspot FROM WAY BEYOND.